Human mind has been trained so much in such a way that if it hears the word "centre", it pops up a window of importance, where the thing under consideration would be of great value. It relates to the core of the things under discussion. Humans being different in nature also have different likes and dislikes, that is why depending upon the nature humans can be centered by varying factors.
When a person is centered by a certain factor, he gets disturbed with the changes in that factor. These factors are already in front of us. A person may be partner centered, money centered, family centered, friends centered, enemy centered, fame centered. These all factors sound different but the affect they do is that they limit the person's thinking to their circle only.
When a person is partner centered, he/she puts all the efforts to make the partner happy. Their ultimate goal becomes to satisfy their partner in every matter. Making your partner happy and satisfied is never wrong, but what wrong is that person starts to neglect other things of life for this. Their thinking will go as far as their partners are happy. Another affect which would happen is that when the relation starts going through ups and downs, the person would panic badly since all he/she would ever care was to remain in that centre of relation, now when there is tension, that person reacts in a negative or aggressive manner towards other aspects of life until the things get back in circle.
Similarly if people are money centered, their goal would be making money as much as they can because that would bring them contentment. The more material they get the more pleasure they receive.What catastrophe it brings in a man's behavior is that no amount of money remains enough for such person, they are constantly in a competition to earn more and leave everything else behind.When someone is family centered or friends centered, their life becomes really hard as they judge and take their decisions with the perceptive of their families and friends. If they want to start a job or business, they will try to think that what their families or friends would think, their circle limits them.
Another very astonishing factor is a person being enemy centered, this is when a person puts himself unsatisfied by comparing to his enemy and always trying to damage their enemy's reputation. By being such a centre a person would think in ways of not progressing him/herself rather choosing those options which in turn humiliate their enemies. Another factor is fame where people want to be recognized by more and more people, it is somewhat related to being money centered, because they keep growing and people being at their centre get pleasure. No quantity of fame satisfies them.
A common thing these factors do is that they take away the conscience of a person to think for himself. A man would be centered by such factors and still deny that these are not the reasons to his restlessness. These factors dwell as ghost but act as masters to one, making that person forget about other aspects of life. Life is always beautiful if it is kept at a balance of everything since life if never empty of ups and downs.
Imagine a pole tied with ropes and other ends are attached to cars, let these factors be those cars. You want the pole to be there no matter what happens, but these cars are pulling the pole each one towards them, now the car with most power would either pull the pole towards it or break the pole. Similar is what happens when man feeds one idea too much that he becomes a center of that. This breaks the man's thinking capability for caring himself and leading a balanced life, where the outer change does not effect the man's inner emotions and endurance.
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