Life has been too fast and hazy for us in this race to lead a more luxurious life that we even at some point have forgotten ourselves. We are advancing in the field of technology and science day by day and it is bringing comfort to our lives as well, but when I use the word comfort here, it is not in any sense related to the inner peace and contentment of oneself.
New tech has surely paved the way for a man to work less and mostly relaxation in physical work. You want to go somewhere, just take your car and off you, you want complex designs to be built,use computers, you want to move enormous objects, use a crane. In all of this where is the satisfaction, peace to man's inner self.
We are now rushing through such a race in which everyone wants to be a millionaire and be independent, having a big home and a stylish car. This dependency towards materialism has lead us to the fact of being unaware of interdependence.
The world is more about interdependence than being individually dependent. This kindle is the ultimate light towards bigger world problems as well as for individual reasons too. You have to notice the small changes in your life, people you meet, places you go, universe is always giving you hints. Being independent individually you may succeed building your own house but being interdependent you may be able to make an empire for the people around you.
It comes by staying with people, by building up your personality, you might not be meeting nice people every time but what matters most is that your heart should remain the same, full of urge to help people in any matter you can, that is what would bring peace and contentment to your sleep, to your inner self.
We breath, that with help of oxygen, plants grow with the help of sunlight, nutrients, the nature calms the temperature by the help of rain, all these are examples of inter dependency. Universe revealing the riddle of nature for the mankind to progress. Once you put your hand forth to help anyone, believe me the rule of nature is so good, it will come back to you in unimaginable ways and that would be beautiful.
"Stronger are those who help others while fighting their own battles"
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