One in a Thousand

Roads are always leading to one destination but every traveler may experience difference in their journey, similar is the case of life we are in the same train  of life but each one of us has different stop, different abilities. Life can be as sweet as honey and it can be as bitter as poison, it has its own nature. Life is another name of hardship, there is no guarantee of stress free or worry free life.
Man on other hand being discontent is another hurdle of himself in this journey.

Life does give hard time to everyone, there is not even a single person who would say that he never went through some distress time in his or her life. In the circumstances of pressure and sadness man starts to loose hope, this is where it gets wrong when one starts to deviate from belief in himself. The fuel for man to move on is the belief and hope, hard work comes along when one has these things. Man encircles himself in the midst of despair and starts thinking if he is the only one who is suffering from a problem in his life. Man at being distress has still a wonderful capability to switch to the situation of eye-opener and contentment. May be I have made it difficult to say, in simple words man is a marvelous creation of God having both sides of black and white, even in the darkest times he can grab onto hope.

The title echos itself in the remains of shattered souls, one in a thousand. Yes! everyone one in one in a thousand. You and only you can pick yourself up in this storm of life and strengthen your feet to grow your position. You can achieve what your mind can perceive, that is the most powerful paradigm. Dark times never mean that you will be like that forever it just means that your road has some bumps and guess what the only thing you are lacking are the car shocks but the car is still with you. Time will pass you can withstand these bumps without shock and when the next stop comes you can add them to your car. 

Why I said that everyone is one in a thousand is because everyone is special. God has created each of his creation with a unique ability different from the other and he has given us the opportunity to explore ourselves, to seek our strengths and overcome weakness. When every you see life giving you a chance, just grab it and let the car go on. To become that one in thousand you have to keep pushing yourself otherwise you wont get your limits. When it gets dark and alone, when there seems to be no one around you, just remember that a plant of cactus also stays alive alone in desert. That time which we see as suffering is rather a chance to avail and be in strive mode. Start watering yourself, exerting yourself to the nourishment, unless you come out as a diamond. 

When you overcome your fears and your outer situations do not effect your inner motivation, that is the point where you become a match stick , yes indeed you become one. You have achieved your peace over your calamity, now you posses the spark to enlighten others, what does a match stick do? It put on a fire, similarly now the spark is in your heart, your mind and your body, now when you guide someone he gets that spark too. You are the happy cactus of desert now which can bear all the conditions without panicking, You are the diamond which has been under constant pressure but now shines which pierces eyes. You are now one in a thousand.

"Whenever you think of giving up, just remember that you were the only sperm out of those millions who won the race."


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