Words, being abstract can be as hard as a rock or soft as cotton. Words can be a great power if used well. Man has been too much in the cage of comparison that he thinks power of things depend on their size, the greater the size, the greater the power. This has lead the focus of mankind away from the most powerful thing within themselves. Yes, I am talking about "WORDS".
Words being abstract can be a deadly weapon to put deep scars on a soul or they can be a great source of warmth and kindness to save a soul, but the use of such words depend on the man solely. Words can be a source of motivation, inspiration to youth and nation, an enlightenment to the depressed ones. You can either crack someone and a put a hole through their heart or make up the already hole.
People love to be loved and words are the very first means of appreciating them, showing love to them. The choice to use good words for people is really a had thing, that is only where the problem is. Man has to learn patience in order to use humble words because these two are linked to each other. Let me give you an example, if a teacher appreciates an already skilled student, that sounds good but what if the teacher demotivates the lesser skilled ones, those students will never have that confidence level as that of the skilled one. Maybe, just some nice words like "you are doing great, I believe you can achieve this", can bring a whole lot change in that less skilled pupil and that does happen. When someone less skilled is motivated, their work efficiency increases. People are such that they need to know their surrounding believes in them.
Words can bring a balance to your life, you just have to improvise yourself to use words in a better way. When you are feeling loved, express that in words. When you are down, talk to yourself. When in pain, share with a closed one, but when in anger, try not expressing it in words which you would regret later with your loved ones. It is said that two things never come back, a bullet fired from a gun and words out of mouth.
Your kind words can make up someone's day and enlighten a soul. Choose them wisely. You can shake earth with your words and crush hearts with them, stay humble for world needs kindness. You may not help everyone with money or in a material way but give them the gift of peace, every soul craves that.
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