Life is just like any other journey and a journey has a starting point, some distance to be traveled and an ending point which you may call your destination. Everyone is in this same journey but some have a long journey, some have short, some get a new journey on their way. The start is usually a tough thing, you can surely relate this with every baby crying at the time of birth. Now lets pivot a bit keeping the axis of life under the shadow of journey.
Man however has been a restless creature since birth, he wants everything and with in no span of time, but how would you even see your journey if starting and ending points are at same position. There are tough days in this journey and by tough I mean where one might encounter days without food and water, moreover one might be able to tolerate that but he may not be able to see the close ones suffering, this is where things get really hard but man has to go on with this journey no matter what.
What makes you to start a journey is a hope and a belief that you would reach that particular destination, similarly the first thing to get is belief on your own creator who created you, gave you life and a purpose, just remember how beautifully He says to believe Him that you Rizq (food/wealth) is upto Him and Him only, no creature on earth can benefit you until ALLAH wants so. Put this firm belief in Him that no matter what He is the Provider to the whole universe. If ALLAH can provide food for the mighty whales in the middle of the ocean and to the ants beneath this earth then what makes you think that He can not provide for you; verily He can. Man made examples do not fit for ALMIGHTY ALLAH's glory but human mind needs to hear this and believe, so let me give you one example, putting your trust in ALLAH ALMIGHTY is very similar to putting your trust in the driver you are with in the journey, that driver may be an unknown, you might have never met him but still you choose to go, why? because you need to get to the destination. Same is the case with your life, the controller of the vehicle of your life is ALLAH ALMIGHTY, put your trust in Him, He will take you to the end of your journey.
Another things comes along is your effort for survival, man has always preferred comfort over work therefore he wants all things to come to him by minimum effort but the principles of the world are a bit antonym to this desire of man. Centering yourself with this desire will make you lazy and a work hater. If a man has to achieve a goal he has to work for it, if you want to reach at top of mountain you have to climb, if you want to visit another country, you have to get visa, tickets and then travel by any possible means. Things go pretty good since they go as per the plans of a man but when even after working man does not get results he gets in distress thinking that his failing time has started or he is not worthy anymore. Well man gets pretty disturbed now but he should remember that journey is not always smooth, there can be road bumps too, now just recall that example; if the road has bumps would you be upset on the driver about it? No! He is the only one trying to get your vehicle out out those hurdles and you are going to be unhappy with him, that would sound so childish. Similar is the case in life when there are downs and you had worked for it then do not be upset rather find a solution, maybe there is something better in another opportunity. Do not be stubborn with yourself, rather find a way which can be helpful, maybe change your job or business or just pivot a bit on your goal. Do not let the likes of other people affect your decisions. No problem is ever existed without a solution and the fuel to keep going on this journey will the belief told above.
Sometimes it may seem that the road is going to end and you may fall but that is not the case, you are making an assumption too early at least reach that point and then if you do not find road ahead, you might say this but you will find that the invisible road would be to the other dimension of your journey. This is your point of equilibrium, a point where your best friend is your hope and best friends never leave you hanging. This hope is attached to the belief in ALLAH ALMIGHTY, which makes you visualize that you are standing at your destination point, smiling and saying in your heart " What a long way have I come! This is beautiful."
Remember that bad days are just a sign that you are going to have some really great days a head, it is human nature that when he is invited by a famous or powerful person, he gets really excited for that, he might show off the invitation card to his surrounding people and its natural, just think now that these bad days are your invitation and the host is none other than your creator ALLAH ALMIGHTY giving you a sign that there are more beautiful things lying ahead for you. So believe, wor and just do not stop.
"Indeed, with hardship comes ease!"
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